The Basics Of Limited Scope Representation
Not every legal situation requires full representation from an attorney, but getting counsel and advice can help ensure that you are prepared and understand the legal process. Attorney Ann Wise offers consulting services for people who aren’t afraid of going into court by themselves or who want to negotiate without the other side knowing that they have an attorney. She can be behind the scenes, giving you legal advice, explaining how the court system works and giving you an overview of the negotiation tactics you should consider. You can decide what level of service you want, and you have the option of bringing in attorney Wise as full representation if you change your mind at any point in the process.
The cost of limited scope representation is less than traditional full representation and gives the appearance that you are acting independently without an attorney.
Limited Scope Representation In Mediation And Collaborative Divorce
When couples decide to go through divorce by way of mediated negotiations rather than litigation, they often benefit from the assistance of an experienced family law attorney who has experience mediating divorces. Attorney Wise provides legal advice to clients who are attending mediation or settling their own divorces through collaboration. When serving as a legal consultant, she is there for you every step of the way, helping ensure that things go smoothly and there are no surprises. If there are any roadblocks during mediation and both parties agree, attorney Wise can step in to help resolve impasses and guide negotiations to a successful outcome.
Using Limited Scope Representation To Get A Second Opinion
If you are using another attorney and would like to get a second opinion, you might consider consulting with attorney Wise. Even if she agrees with the strategies and actions taken by your current lawyer, it can be helpful for you to experience the same information presented in a different manner. She may also suggest ideas and strategies that your current lawyer has not thought about. Regardless of the extent of the consulting relationship, it is always beneficial to get a second set of eyes on your case.
Contact Wise Family Law Firm To Learn More
If you are interested in getting a second opinion or representing yourself and using attorney Wise as a consultant, contact the firm today by using the online contact form or calling 408-975-9500.