Professional · Caring · Experienced
Ann provides both representation in contested cases and divorce mediation services. As a mediator, she works with both parties to resolve the case without court. Mediation is a more private and generally less expensive approach to divorce. It allows parties to resolve the divorce, or certain issues, in a non-adversarial setting. The parties meet in the firm's Campbell office or by zoom/MS Teams, rather than appearing in court. When hired as a mediator, Ann educates both parties about the law and explains the legal procedures which must be followed for a divorce to occur in California. She also assist the clients with preparing forms and other required documents throughout their cases. When hired to fully represent a client, she works to resolve matters without court intervention. However, if a dispute cannot be resolved, Ann provides strong and effective representation in court.
Ann has served on the Family Law Executive Committee, was co-chair for the Education Committee, and served for two years on the Santa Clara County Bar Association Judiciary Committee, which evaluates judicial candidates at the request of the California governor.
Before making the transition to family law in 2005, Ann practiced in a variety of areas of law, including two years at Hopkins & Carley in corporate/mergers and acquisitions, and several years working her way up to general counsel for a medical products company. She is a graduate of UC San Diego and Santa Clara University School of Law.